Hello Blog!!! This week our teachers set us in groups and my partner, and I were in different groups which was good because we got double feedback and two perspectives!! When working in our group we shared our plot line, genre, asked for any help and then offered feedback as well.
The people in my group consisted of 5 people Victoria, Daniela, Lee, Matias and myself. Victoria was the first person to share, and her genre is horror, and her sub-genre is phycological. Victoria is working on her project herself and her idea was to make it like she was lost in a forest, she said she wasn’t sure on doing it where she was driving around lost in the forest or if she was going to be on foot lost in the forest. I suggest a location for Victoria to film at because it is not totally the “forest” but there’s a bunch of grass and trees, so it looks like it’s a forest to the viewers. I also suggested that she include where she is lost driving around in the car and lost on foot, because when movies have this in the plot it makes it so much more interesting and keeps the audience intrigued. When Victoria is going to be filming it is going to be dark/dusk outside. A good suggestion from our classmate was to use color correction when you are trying to make it look dusk or darker.

Lee shared her idea with our group, and I really loved it, and I think everyone else did too! Lee’s idea was the main character is in a toxic relationship and there is another guy that has a crush on her for a while now. The other boy in the story who has a crush on her is going to be around when the main character and the toxic boyfriend are together. A really good scene that is going to happen in this film is when the toxic boyfriend is getting mad at the girlfriend and telling her to get into the car and the boy who has a crush on her is going to be a couple houses down and as they drive off there’s a puddle on the ground and they end up splashing him. I really enjoyed hearing about Lee’s idea because as she was explaining her idea I could picture this as a movie and, me personally I would really enjoyed hearing watching a movie with this plot line. I suggested to Lee that she have the boy with a crush on the main character either be outside watching the toxic couple or have the boy be watching from the window, my reasoning for this was because I feel like it adds a lot to his character and to the plot in general.
Daniela’s idea for her project was also very interesting and one that I would for sure watch as a movie! Daniela’s idea was a guy in a garage where there was a cardboard board and a bunch of picked up that a boy woke up a girl with breakfast in bed acting like everything was okay even though it wasn’t totally okay. I really liked Daniela’s idea because I think I would like to watch this idea as a movie.
Mathias Idea was kind of like Daniela’s idea the only idea that was similar is that they are both going to have the board in the garage with the red strings connecting to the photos. What I took from Mathias idea was that he was going to be him sharpening and showing off his weapons in the garage. Also, the strings are going to be connecting to each photograph. We suggested in the group that he used the string to try and form letters for the credits, but we all agreed that is a bit difficult to do.
Some suggestions that I got for my project was to do half of the film in school and the other half at home. My partner and I were discussing this idea, and we really liked it and we are going to do this in our film! Daniela suggested to me to use the editing source Premier Pro because it has a little bit more features than iMovie does. I am glad she suggested this to me because I only know of iMovie as an editing source. I asked the people in my group for some advice for the blog posts and they suggested that I need to include more analysis and go into depth in my posts.
Overall, I am really glad we had this group meeting because it was very helpful, I learned so much and it was so good hearing feedback.
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