Thursday, February 6, 2025

                        The overall story of each piece

To all the boys I've loved before is about a teenage girl in high school named Jenny who writes secret love letters to her crushes. Jenny considers these love letters as her most prized possessions, but these love letters end up being exposed and do damage on her love life. I would like to follow the same idea about her being in High School. Sixteen candles is known as a classic teen romantic comedy by John Huges that influenced the book and movie to All the Boys I've Loved Before. The opening scene of Sixteen Candles shows Samantha Baker in her home feeling like her 16th birthday has gone unnoticed. Sixteen candles is about a girl who is being overshadowed by her sisters upcoming wedding. Samantha is dreading her 16 year old birthday, Samantha has a crush on a senior at her school but is worrying that her chastity is going to be a turnoff for the senior. The opening scene of clueless is a fast paced montage which showcases Cher Horowitz wealth, popularity and showcases this by using vibrant colors and quick cuts. 


The clueless film opening uses a montage to show the kind of life that Cher lives. In the very beginning of the film opening of Clueless they used a high shot to show Cher and her friends driving in her car. A tracking shot is used to show Cher and her shopping bags. The film opening uses a panning shot to the right follow Cher while she is moving to show what she is doing. Clueless using a montage in the film opening gives a good glimpse of the life that Cher and her friends live and the high school activities that they participate in.

Clueless (dvd)

The sixteen candles film opening uses a variety of shots such as low angle, high angle, close ups, wides-hots, pov shots, tracking shots, medium shots, and over the shoulder shots. The film opening starts off with her family getting ready to leave the house and Samantha walks down the stairs and it her birthday her family doesn't say happy birthday, because her birthday has been overshadowed by her sister wedding. Samantha experiences many embarrassing moments throughout her day at school. This film opening has a wide variety of awkwardness, loneliness, the feeling of being overlooked, and also a bit of relatable aspects to some teenagers.

                                        Sixteen Candles (1984) - IMDb

To all the boys I've loved before film opening includes a variety of shots including close ups, point of view shots, over the shoulder shots, medium shots, wide shots, and tracking shots. In the very beginning Lara Jean is envisioning herself in the book that she is reading which is called "The Forbidden Kiss". The opening demonstrates love, and secluded life. Lara Jean comes off as secluded and to her self to the viewers.

                                            To All the Boys I've Loved Before (2018) - IMDb

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