Friday, February 7, 2025

Coming of age credit scene research



A credit scene also known as a "post-credit scene" is used to give out additional content after the end credits of the film. Sometimes credit scenes can reward the audience for watching the whole movie and making it to the end point. The credit scene will provide a little entertainment beyond the story and sometimes add extra info and a teaser for the next movie if it is a franchise.

"Clueless" (1995)

The credit sequences in the movie "Clueless" purpose is mainly to introduce the audience to Cher and the type of life she lives as a high schooler. The "Clueless" credit sequences is known as one of the most popular and high rated credit sequences in this genre. The text in the credit scene interacts with the closet and clothing items in many creative ways.  This credit sequence sets the mood/vibe for the film and lets the viewers know what type of movie "Clueless" is.

Clueless opening scene

"Sixteen Candles" (1984)

The credit sequences in the movie "Sixteen Candles" is very simple but compared to "Clueless" it is known as a traditional credit sequence. This film used music and simple text so the feeling of nostalgia and coming of age is felt. Sixteen Candles mostly uses music and ease to draw the viewers in and keep the audience engaged with the film.The credit sequence is a good match for how the whole film exactly is. Which is about the emotional connection and the awkward aspect of growing up as a teenager. 

Sixteen Candles (1984) - Opening Credits

"To all the boys I've loved before" (2018)

The credit sequence in the film "To all the boys I've Loved Before" is very vibrant, visually pleasing to the viewers, and has a fresh vibe. The credit scene starts out with the camera moving through the main character (Lara Jean's) room.The first few moments of the movie demonstrates to the viewers Lara Jeans personality and her world. The fonts in the credit scene are displayed in a cute, hand-written print which suits Lara Jean. Lara Jean is a romantic at heart and she enjoys writing love letters and letters about everything in her life.The music that is played in the credit scene compliments the visuals that are being shown. The music is very upbeat and light-hearted. The credit scene smoothly transitions into the movie and doesn't have that rushed feeling.

To all the boys I've loved before . opening scene - YouTube

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