Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing #1


For our music marketing project we were required to do research based on the genre we got and our genre is HiHop/Funk. The different artists that went researched that are in the HipHop/Funk genre are drake, Asap Rocky, 21 Savage were equir3d so we could really get a deep understanding of who these people are as music artists.While researching finding out the different artists target audience, digital marketing and distribution, and non digital marketing and distribution was crucial to do the music marketing project.When doing the planning process we did it based on what classes we are going to be working on the project and how many class days we have until the due date. We divided up the tasks by days so it will be less stressful and less work and so we could really create good quality work. The things we needed a longer time for we put to do first and then the tasks that took a shorter time we put those towards the end.

Post-production Process!

 Prost-Production Process!! Editing  The first step we did right after we finished was start our editing process. We re watched all of our c...