Friday, August 30, 2024

The objective in our Camera Shots quiz was to create a story using specific shot types to accurately illustrate your idea to develop tone. We had to use 8 different shots/agles our quiz had to include 15 shots our story had to include one or two inanimate objects and include a short description to go with each shot. During the process of the Camera Shots quiz my partner and I wrote down the shots and the description in our notebook so we could stay organized and so when it was time to show our teacher she could follow the story and get an idea of what we were going to do. When taking the shots we used our notebook for reference so we didn't get lost and so our shots lined up with our story line. What I think me and my partner did well was the development of our story our shots lined up with our story line very well. Something we could've improved was the creativeness part of the quiz, the objects that we used may have came off as basic since a good amount of people in our class used the same object that we did.

Post-production Process!

 Prost-Production Process!! Editing  The first step we did right after we finished was start our editing process. We re watched all of our c...