Sunday, March 16, 2025

CCR script for question #3

 Script for CCR Question #3

How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

Interview: Hi are you Peyton Chatman? 

Peyton: Yes I am!

Interviewer: Wonderful.. can I interview you?

Peyton: Yes of course what do you want to know?

 Interviewer: How did your production skills develop through out this project?

 Peyton: Soo.. this might take a while to answer, I believe my skills have developed in so many ways while doing this project!

Interviewer: Really! Can you explain to me how? 

Peyton: Of Course!!

Peyton: In our previous projects.. I typically did not use a tripod or any sort of equipment to keep the camera stable and non shaky.

Interview: Really wowww! 

Peyton: Using the tripod really helped me produce the best quality scenes we possibly could

Peyton: This project is the first one that I had to make sure I used equipment and made sure the camera was centered and not shaky at all!

Interviewer: What equipment did you use?

Peyton : I used a tripod, funny story actually I did not think I had one in my home but my dad hd one in the garage.

Interviewer: Do you think using the tripod helped your production skills improve? 

Peyton: Of course 1000%, you can also see a huge difference form the quality of this project compared to the other ones that were filmed in the past. 

Interviewer: Do you think your production skills have improved? Yes 100%, when filming in the past I used to just keep the first clip we filmed, but now throughout this project I have learned that it may take 3-4 tries to get the best quality footage possible.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Script for Question #4!!

 Script for Question #4

-How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

Interviewer:  So How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

Peyton: Well.. We used many technologies I will tell you how.

Interwier: Ok!

Peyton; A software we used is called Imoive. 

Interviewer: What did you use it for? 

Peyton: We used iMovie to piece the scenes/clips together after we were done filming, and we trimmed some of the clips that we had in this software.

Interviewer: Wow! I bet that was really helpful. Isn't iMovie free? 

Peyton: Yes!! and its very easy to use!

Interviewer :What other technologies did you use?

Peyton: Canva!

Interviewer: What for?

Peyton: We used canva to do our credit scenes, we found a texting video template and we customized it to fit all of the credentials we need for our credits!

Interviewer: Wow!!

Interviewer: Did you end up using any softwares??

Peyton: Yes we used premier pro. It is what we used to edit our film instead of iMovie. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Post-production Process!

 Prost-Production Process!!


The first step we did right after we finished was start our editing process. We re watched all of our clips to make sure everything was good and to see if we needed to reshoot any scenes. we are going to use Premier Pro for our editing resource, we were going to use iMovie at first but many of our classmates recommend to Premier Pro instead, and its free!! 


For our credits since we use texting in our film, we decided that it would be a good idea to find a texting/messaging video or template on canva and edit it to fit the different criteria we need. For example we need director, actors, writers, editors, and a production name. So we customized it to fit everything that we need. 


I gotten multiple suggestions on music, especially with the coming of age genre. Many coming of ages movies find a way to layer music in their scene and also to have it low enough to where you can still hear what is going on. I think I definitely need to add music for the very first scene, the mirror scene. The mirror scene would be the perfect time to add music into our film.


I am very happy with how our film and filming process turned out. I am so glad we were able to make things work even with roadblocks, and adjust.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting

 Today was a very productive/successful day in aice media studies! We had a group meeting!

Group Meeting

A group meeting is where a group of students sit together and have a discussion about whatever their topic may be. I find whenever we do group meetings in class to be very inspirational and very helpful, every time we have had a meeting I leave with new ideas, and answers to questions that I did not know how to answer. Our topic today in the group meeting is about our film opening and the CCR. My group consisted of 5 people and it was randomized, I had Lee, Camila, Mathias, and Micheal.

Film Opening 

For most of our group meeting we talked about our film opening since that is what everyone in our group has finished. Everyone in our group has finished with filming but, none of us are done with the editing process. Peyton has 1 person in her group, Camila has 3 people in hers, Lee has 4 people, and then Micheal and Matias are working alone. Our group suggested to me to finish editing by 3/15 so I won't be stressed or craving anything over the break. The editing platform that everyone in my group is using is called Premier Pro they said it was better than iMovie. I was wondering what platform to use for the fonts for our credits and they recommended using Canva because they have a big variety of fonts to choose from. I was debating on wether having music in the film or not but, Micheal said that its a good idea and there's a way that you can have it low enough to where you can hear it and still hear what's being said in between the characters. 


I had sooooo many questions about the CCR part of our project because I missed it due to being ill. I was told that for the CCR we have to go into depth with our I expected LOL. Lee told me a good idea on how to break up the four questions, I am going to do one video for 4 minutes long and another one that's 4 minutes long. Apparently it's easier to answer the 3rd question last and so I will be answering the 3rd question last.  I was so glad that my group members explained to me what it is and suggest some ideas because I was so lost. I am thinking of doing a Presentation with a little bit of a Ted Talk spin... so I am going to have a pen every time I click the pen a new image is going to appear and the image is going to be related to what I am saying. Almost everyone in our group had a general idea of what they were going to be doing. I got a suggestion to have my CCR edited by Monday and have it filmed by 3/17. 

So.. in conclusion this was by far the most successful group meeting ever!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Production/Filming Process

 This is the closet scene, this was one of the quicker clips we have in our film.

Closet Scene

In this scene Peyton is looking in her closet and trying to grab the basket with the bathing suits in it. Peyton doesn't look too happy in this scene because she is really dreading picking out which swimsuits she is going to be wearing on Saturday at the beach. 


This scene took about 2 attempts to get it right. On the first try I ended up dropping the basket, I have no clue how that occurred but for the second try I definitely made sure I held on tight.

Mirror Scene

This scene was by far the most awkward thing to film ever!

In this scene Peyton is looking in the mirror at her body. Peyton is very sad in this part of the film, because she is really dreading going to the beach and having to wear a bathing suit. She is feeling very insecure here and feels like she's ugly and has many flaws.


This scene was very awkward to film and I couldn't keep a straight face. So this took about 4 tries to film I really tried to look sad here and was thinking of things that make me sad because I am just always smiling so it was very challenging for me to look sad/depressed.

Thursday, March 6, 2025


 This scene was very easy to film and din't take us too many takes!!

Fridge Scene

This scene is one of the more important ones and has a lot of value in this film. Peyton goes into the kitchen area and goes into the fridge because she is hungry. What she pulls out of the fridge is MacDonalds, Peyton doesn't want MacDonalds mainly because she is going to the beach with her friends on Saturday and has to be in a bathing suit. Peyton doesn't really like to be in a swimsuit because on the inside she is really insecure, but no one really knows that she is actually insecure.


We didn't have too many issues with the filming of the kitchen scene. We filmed about 3 takes to get this scene right. One of the problems we had with filming was we didn't know where we could put the phone inside the fridge to where you could see the MacDonalds bag and also see my whole face in the frame. We figured out how to include both myself in the frame and the MacDonalds bag in the film we titled the phone upwards and we were able to see us both in the frame.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Production/Filming Process

 This was scene by far was the easiest scene to film and we spent the less time on it then the other scenes.

The swimsuit scene

This scene is definitely my favorite scene personally out of all of them because, I really enjoy the beach and the excitement of picking out a swimsuit to wear to you breach plans is the best feeling. The context behind this scene is Peyton dumping out the basket of swimsuits she has and is trying to figure out which one she is going to wear to her beach plans on Saturday with her friends. Peyton doesn't like any of the swimsuits she has in this basket because she doesn't really want to be in a bathing suit at all and on the inside she is feeling really insecure about herself.

Problems that occurred while filming

This scene was the least problematic out of all of them and it took us about 3 tries to get this scene right. The problem with this scene was that after I would finish talking I would look at the camera right away which was too soon. I had a hard time remembering to not look directly at the camera right after talking. After the second attempt I finally got it right and how I fixed this problem was after I finished talking I counted to 3 in my head and stayed looking at the swimsuit.

CCR script for question #3

 Script for CCR Question #3 How did your production skills develop throughout this project?  Interview: Hi are you Peyton Chatman?  Peyton: ...